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Mental Health Workshops, Trainings & Public Speaking
50+ Events
Want to collaborate on an event together?
If you are interested in arranging a workshop please contact us directly at . We are happy to run one of our existing workshops or tailor a workshop that meets your specific needs. Take a look at some of the workshops we’ve offered in the past!
Investment: $450 for a 60-Minute Workshop or Training
Working with a smaller budget? Let’s chat!
Healing From Trauma Part 1
What are the different types of trauma? Participants will complete a trauma impact inventory, to discern how these wounds may impact their everyday life. We’ll also explore pathways to healing through establishing safety, shifting unhealthy patterns, and establishing soothing routines and practices. We’ll dive into rewriting your inner narrative and end with a commitment to establish your next best step.
Healing From Trauma Part 2
During this hands-on workshop, we’ll explore mind-body strategies which promote calming our nervous system. Participants will create a customized healing plan for their journey. We’ll practice deep breathing, self-soothing grounding techniques, visualization, and movement techniques that promote healing. For church settings, prayer and worship music can also be ushered into this transformative experience.
Activating Radical Self-Compassion
What does your inner critic sound like and what experiences can influence our self-talk? We’ll learn about the various roles that we can play, such as the criticizer, the criticized, and the compassionate observer. We’ll talk about doorways to self-compassion and how to treat yourself like a friend.
Wellness for Women, Wellness for Moms
Let’s safely explore infertility, pregnancy loss, high-risk pregnancies, IVF, the NICU, postpartum depression, and anxiety. During this workshop, I provide supportive strategies. However, I will also share my personal experience with infertility, pregnancy loss, high-risk pregnancy, and surviving the NICU journey. All geared towards letting women know they are not alone.
Nurturing Your Workplace Resilience
How did the COVID-19 pandemic impact your work life? We’ll explore the transition back into the office and ways to cope with change within the workplace. We’ll use the 6 dimensions of wellness as a framework to enhance your wellness plan. Lastly, we’ll explore how to nurture your resilience by setting clear priorities and boundaries, with the goal of supporting your work-life balance.
Helping Your Child Cope With Loss
Let’s talk about the different types of loss that young people might experience. We’ll identify common reactions and symptoms that children and teens might demonstrate. We’ll also highlight clinically significant signs, that indicate the need to seek psychotherapy services. We’ll end with tools and approaches that parents and guardians can utilize to support their children.
Building Self-Confidence in Teens
What is healthy self-esteem and why is it crucial to our well-being? Let’s talk about signs that identify when a teen might be experiencing both high and low self-esteem. What might trigger or contribute to a poor self-image? We’ll identify ways in which adults can reinforce and model positive self-esteem. We’ll also explore signs that might warrant the need for psychotherapy services.
Girls Let's Explore Boundaries
During this interactive workshop for girls ages 8-18 years old. We’ll have a girl chat about how to form healthy boundaries that keep themselves safe. And how to establish assertive communication with peers and adults. We’ll use games, conversation, and role-play ways in which girls can courageously ask for what they need.